Journal wasn't even an idea. It just happened.

While shopping at a bible store one day, I saw a beautiful book with hundreds  of empty white pages. The cover was a very special design and striking deep blue color.

I am not sure what made me pick the book up and open it. I was surprised to see empty pages.

I was very surprised when I began writing a prayer poem on the first empty page. 


Dear Lord, we need your presence within so we can enjoy our time in prayer with you.

We know there is nothing else in this world so righteous and true.

Although your miracles are attacked by science as the intangible.

We experience the spirit and soul of God as remarkable.

Dear Jesus, energize us with your positive powers.

Throughout our souls and within. Save us in our faithless hours.

We need your words and guidance that you teach.

And we pray to be humble and understand, learn and reach.

The miracles of God that so many say--are untrue.

However, all God’s servants and believers’, (faith) in Jesus can undoubtedly see through.

And So It Began:

August 6, 1987:

A great joy and pleasure fills my heart since I’ve experienced this relationship with God.

This presence has given me a realization and strengthened a communication bond.

Now, I feel awakened. as though, I’ve come alive more so than I have ever before.

I have a different outlook from days of gloom to happiness I pray for.


This was the start:



• This journal began with two people.
• Each person dedicated their commitment to writing every day.
• There was no plan or outline, it started by devoting time to writing.
• It was imperative to write the prayers emanating randomly.

Most of the words, comments, thoughts, and prayers contained in this journal were written from 1986 through 1989. I started reading and editing the journal again in 2022.

The poems and words are only meant for prayers. The prayers are not written for any word-perfect or proper literally expertise in writing or style perspectives.      

Emma Schartner contributed various poems in the journal. Emma is no longer with us on earth. She joined the Lord in 1999.

Dedicated Specifically to 

the Experience with God.





Dear Jesus, energize us with your positive powers.

Throughout our souls and deep within. To save us in our faithless hours.

We want to adhere to your words and guidance; you have tried to teach.

And we pray to be humble enough to understand, learn and reach.

The miracles of God that so many say--are untrue.

However, all God’s servants and believers’, (faith) in Jesus can undoubtedly see through.

Always asking forgiveness



Tonight, Dear Jesus, we pray that you can forgive us, please!

We promise to give more time for meaningful prayers with sincere humilities.

To share our modesty and appreciation too,

And all the wonders that are created by you.

Dear Jesus, we ask forgiveness of our ignorance for so many benefits that we should be aware of.

Yet so often actualize more of our physical tangibles than we capture your spirit of love.

We understand earthly things and the material touchable more than we of should versus spirit.

We find it so very difficult to be a good Christian of merit.

We should better serve you and spread Jesus’ faith and words.

Everywhere and in every way possible for others to reap faith’s rewards.

And receive forgiveness as Jesus’ believers experience peacefulness.

Trusting you Dear Jesus, within our heart, welcomes usefulness, learning, and purposefulness.

March 12, 1988:

Dear Jesus, how it eases us to think of you!

We receive contentment and pleasure in what we do.

When our motives are in thought of your righteous way.

We continually pray that you will arise in our present-day.

Addressing the evils and all that Satan has control of.

Jesus, the Son of God, who saved the world with his love.

The Almighty suffered more than any human could endure for our sake's.

This evidenced a powerful worthiness with no doubts or mistakes.

We pray, dear Lord, you will forgive us for any of our sin.

We also pray we can discern and maintain common sense within.

March 13, 1988:

Dear Jesus, we love to pray to you, even for long hours.

Because it feels genuine. We experience inside calming, cleansing showers.

We receive comfort inside our souls, more than ever before.

Moreover, we gain strength in our heart and soul providing gratification evermore.

March 16, 1998:

Dear Jesus, we find love, comfort and great consolation in writing our prayers to you.

We sense inward peace of mind in your words and all that love and pure faith can do.

Dear Lord, help us to follow your exemplary ways and keep us on your righteous path.

Fortify our safety from Satan's vexation and all-powerful devilment wrath.

Dear Jesus, manifest your wisdom in us that can enable our good judgment and not be misled.

Enhance our incentive in body and soul for an obedient spirit in days ahead.

We need endurance and prudent decisions as we see looking forward to troublesome days.

Nations are at war, children besieged by misconceptions, people deceptively misguided.

We can only pray to God on how to deal with evil encircling a presence and so divided.


Dear Jesus, please give us wisdom to live righteously with optimistic behavior.

We ask to be worthy and benefit others by becoming a good example for Jesus our savior.

We pray you will provide us with strength to overcome earthly sorrows that distress us sadly.

We continue to ask for an insightful mind and words we need so badly.

For in the world too much grief, unhappiness, killing, violence and strife thrives.

It's so difficult to undergo and know others endure heartbreak, evil, and sorrow in their lives.

We find faith difficult to maintain courage when we see life fall apart into obscurity.

Like blowing dust, or tide washing out, we learn about complication and insecurity.

Dear Jesus please lift our spirits in times of trouble and bring cheer to our hearts within.

We experience too many challenges facing us daily that weaken our vulnerable conviction.

Dear Lord, it would be no surprise if you came for us today as the living values need purifying.

Deceit and chicanery abound by intensity and life's violence is overwhelming and terrifying.